My first book was published in April, 2014, by Resource Publications (An imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers). The book is entitled:
Beyond Me: Poems about Spirit in Scripture, Psychotherapy, and Life.
The book seeks to capture the wonder, mystery, and healing power of the Divine Spirit and its activity in human beings, life, and relationships. This Divine Presence is often felt or glimpsed as Mystery--beyond us, yet within us--which grabs our attention and pulls us into a deeper and fuller exploration of what life and human existence is all about. As an ordained Presbyterian minister serving as a Pastoral Psychotherapist, I'm thrilled and fascinated to notice and then capture in these poems the congruency between psychodynamics, spiritual growth, and scriptural stories. Personal experiences and scriptural accounts throw light on each other, and I find poetry to be a format capable of holding and integrating both in ways that can promote psychological and spiritual healing and growth.

My second book was published on July 27, 2017, by Resource Publications (an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publications, Eugene, OR). It's entitled:
Poems of Mourning and Healing Memory

My third book Drawn to the Light: Poems and Essays was published in August, 2019. This book is about my gradual emergence from hiding my “light”—my gifts and talents—and about discovering, as I let it shine, that the light in me was a gift of divine life and light, which illuminates my path and can illuminate others’ paths, too, and can encourage them to let their light shine. I became more alive and creative, and I’m continuing to understand more fully the statement in the Gospel of John that “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it” (1:5). I hope that this book reminds readers of those persons and experiences in their own lives that drew them toward the light both outside and inside themselves and that helps them be more alive.

This is my fourth book, published in January, 2022, by Resource Publications, and imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, Oregon. “A poem can capture a moment, /Zoom in on a instant in time /Otherwise lost in the ongoing rush /Of a life not experienced in rhyme.” I wrote these poems as a way to see deeply into persons and the world, to see both the darkness and the light; to be mindful of the Sacred in the supposedly mundane world. The poems zoom in to see evidence of the Sacred in nature, and in the human healing journey from brokenness to wholeness; to lament the tragic results of humans setting themselves up as sacred or ultimate; and to contemplate the mystery of death as part of the soul’s journey. I hope that you savor them, see something of what I see or even more, and are fascinated by the presence of the Sacred even in something like the way that a House Wren builds its nest. Although I focus in some poems on what the night reveals, most of my poems are suffused with deep delight, contemplative wonder, and transformative joy—each in their own now autonomous way. They’re free of me. Now over to you!